5 W's of Bookkeeping

I thought I would make my first blog on our website about the 5' W’s of bookkeeping; The Who, What, Where, When’s and Why’s of Bookkeeping. While I do not profess to be an expert on all things bookkeeping, I have spent much time over the years pondering such matters and always enjoy discussing these topics especially with business owners and bookkeepers alike.

I thought I would make this blog a series with a post about each ‘W’ every week. So, please take a minute and have a read while you sip your coffee and if nothing else, maybe my perspective will create a thought or idea that helps you and your business in some small way going forward.

Who is a Bookkeeper? A Bookkeeper should be a person who understands and appreciates how numbers can be used to achieve results. For me, their is a palpable sense of satisfaction in taking a series of numbers and making everything add up. Fundamentally, this sense of satisfaction is why I believe certain people are drawn to the accounting & bookkeeping fields.

Who hires a Bookkeeper? Simply stated, anyone who understands the value of their own time as it relates to their business and personal lives. An honest understanding of what you are truly great at doing allows for easier acceptance of having to pay somebody to provide you a service, especially a service that can add value to your business. Great bookkeeping can foster a strong understanding of how financial numbers can impact your business. This kind of knowledge has intrinsic value with it’s ability to manifest itself throughout all areas of your life. In other words…money well spent!





5 W's: What is Bookkeeping?